As an aspiring, emerging or even professional singer you probably feel pulled if not COMPELLED to share a huge piece of you…the whole of you really! You have a big feeling or a big vision, that you see in your mind and feel as you go through your day. While you are commuting to and from work or school, you are often carrying a creative vision in your heart and head. And it kind of gives you goose bumps but it also kind of makes you crazy too! But that’s because it’s big and you feel passionate about it.
The thing is as much as you want it…this dream, this album, this performance, etc…you are also pretty terrified. There are the logistics. Like how are you going to pay for materials, the band, rent the studio or rehearsal space but also how are YOU going to stand up in front of a whole room of people, centerstage and sing or SPEAK with confidence? Eeeeek!
Well, believe it or not a huge piece of the puzzle actually comes from sensing, observing and mindfully moving your body/mind. But when did you ever find a process to help move through your anxiety while still allowing your voice to live and THRIVE?
In my years of teaching and studying the Alexander Technique I have learned how immensely valuable it is to slow down and notice what is happening under the surface of our movement and expression. And in order to speak and perform more confidently you need a practice for unearthing what is going on and allowing it to MOVE THROUGH YOU.
This is where incorporating movement into my private voice lessons evolved from. Out of my desire to support singers in getting their unique voices and visions out into the world. As you connect on a deeper level with your breath and body there is greater space for you to really get to know what you are feeling and not get stopped by things like performance anxiety and overthinking.
If you really want to sing your heart out, then you are going to need to get through your body to HEAR what your inner voice is saying and then actually MOVE that emotion through your system with sound. (Hint: This is where the killer vocal technique comes in).
The Embodied Voice Program offers just that! 10 individually tailored lessons teaching you healthy vocal technique, body awareness, and performance feeling set so you can sing honestly and powerfully. Doesn’t sound too bad right? If you’re feeling all the feels reading this, then write here to find out more.